TTMS Loan Application Process

Bank / Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Tirumala Tirupati Multistate Co-operative Credit Society Limited utilizes the funds for lending to members and making investments as per the Co-operative Societies Act/Rules/Bye-laws. The society provides loans to the members to meet their short-term and long-term loan needs, as well as the financial literacy of the members. also emphasizes. In this article TTMS Loan Application Process, we are going to get information about the application process for Gold Loan and Personal Loan offered by this society.

TTMS Gold Loan Application Process

First of all, you have to bring Gold Loan Application Form from any nearby branch of the society to get Gold Loan, you can also download it from the official website of the society. We will make it available to you on this website for your convenience.

After fetching the Gold Loan Application Form you have to fill it, it is easy to fill the form.

At first, enter the name of the branch in which you are going to apply, then enter the amount of loan you need and the period for which it will be required. Enter the value of the gold that we are going to give as collateral. Then put your full name and sign it. This filled form should be submitted to the branch after which your loan will be approved.

TTMS Gold Loan Application Download

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  1. The loan is repayable on demand within a maximum repayment period of __ months or less as specified.
  2. Gold ornaments and jewelry pledged with the society shall be kept at the risk of the Borrower in the ordinary safes, the society exercising only the ordinary care of the safe custody. The society shall not be liable in case of any damage to the articles by reason of accident, force major, the act of God, etc.
  3. The Borrower acknowledges that the rate per gram fixed by the society for Gold Loan as of date is Rs._________ and in case of downward fluctuations of price or upward movement of the rate of interest, the society may demand repayment to cover the margin on one week’s notice.For Floating Rate of Interest: The loan shall carry interest @ _____% p.a. with _____________ rests, being _____% above the society’s Base Rate, the current Base Rate being ____%, raising or falling therewith. The rate of interest is liable to change from time to time without any reference to the Borrower as to variation in the rate of interest. Any variation of rate of interest notified in the notice board of the society premises/website shall be sufficient notice to the Borrower and the Borrower shall pay such revised rate of interest until all dues are cleared OR                                                                                B) For Fixed Rate of Interest: The loan shall carry interest @ _____% p.a. with _____________ rests.              Minimum interest for FIFTEEN days will be charged on the loan even if it is repaid within the said period. Incidental charge, appraiser’s charge, or other charges as fixed by the society from time to time will be levied on the loan
  4. If the applicant has other dues to the society as principal debtor, co-obligate, guarantor, or in any other capacity by way of loans
  5. If the loan is not repaid on demand, the jewels pledged will be sold in a public auction or through private negotiation and the applicant will be personally liable for any deficit. If there is any surplus available, it will be
  6.  appropriated by the society towards any other loan, overdraft, or debt due by the applicant as debtor,
  7.  guarantor, or in any other capacity. Such a sale made by the society shall not be disputed by the applicant in any
  8.   manner whatsoever.
  9. Notice in respect of the loan shall be deemed to have been duly served if the letter containing the notice of demand is delivered to the applicant in person or is posted properly addressed to the address given overleaf or if any change in address has been duly notified to the society, then to such address
  10. When the loan is closed and jewels redeemed, discharge should be endorsed by the applicant in the pledge form.
  11. Penal interest @ ___% per annum will be charged if the loan is not closed within 12 months from the date of
  12.          pledge or the actual period for which the loan is allowed, whichever is earlier.
  13. The society shall have the right to recall the loan at any time before the expiry of 12 months or before the expiry of the period for which the loan is allowed if it considers that the interest of the society is in jeopardy and the decision of the society in this regard shall be final and binding on the Borrower.
  14. The society shall have the right to make a disclosure to the Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd. (CIBIL) or other similar agencies.
  15. Society reserves to itself the right to alter, add or delete these rules at any time. For this purpose, the society will not be required to give a separate notice to each Borrower and any change in the rules displayed in the Notice Board of the Branch of the society shall be sufficient notice to all the concerned persons.

All the above terms and conditions are explained to me/us and are accepted by me/us.

TTMS Personal Loan Application Process

To avail Personal Loan you have to bring Personal Loan Application Form from any nearby branch of the society, you can also download it from the official website of the society. We will make it available to you on this website for your convenience.

Enter your full name, date of birth, age, and marital status in this Personal Loan Application Form. Enter the number of dependents, as well as your monthly income. Then mention the address where you live and how many years you have lived there. Enter your telephone number and mention the number on your ration card.

This filled form should be submitted to the branch. There it will be scrutinized and your loan approved.

TTMS Personal Loan Application Download