BEWARE! Fake SMS Regarding Electricity Bill

Bank / Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

BEWARE! Fake SMS Regarding Electricity Bill: Bill paid, money still missing from the account! See below for type of Fake SMS Regarding Electricity Bill.

‘Due to non-payment of electricity bill, your electricity connection will be disconnected from 10 pm tonight. To avoid this, please call our ‘000’ official number immediately. I have received this message from the Electricity Board even after paying my bill. The bill is debited from my account. This is a spam message example.

There are many types of fraud going on right now. Phishing is a form of attack on your private information. In it the user usually creates a trap to steal another’s data and traps the front in it. In doing so, the attacker disguises himself as a trusted person, and sends an email, instant message, or text message to the victim, thereby seizing the victim’s bank account and attacking it.

Exactly the message you received is ‘fraud’, similar messages have also been received regarding telephone bills. No problem if you have paid the bill and debited the bill amount from your account. Even if you have not paid the bill, there is no reason to contact the phone number mentioned in the message. The official phone numbers of the customer service center of the power board or telephone company can be found on their website. It is very easy to contact them.

Without doing so, if you call the number given in such deceptive messages, you are often asked to download an app. It asks you to fill in important information like your bank account number, PIN number, etc. When you enter this information, a small amount is withdrawn from your account. Then the number that sent you the initial message disappears. The cyber police try to track him down, but overall it is a very complicated and complicated task. Therefore, if such messages come, it is better to ignore them.

“MSEDCL only sends messages in case of a power outage due to pre-planned maintenance and repairs, probable duration of a power outage as well as the amount of monthly electricity bills, appeals to customers to send their meter readings, date of meter readings. , And a total number of units used, amount of electricity bill, date of payment, power outage notice, etc.

In case of any doubt, customers should contact the toll-free number 1912, 18001023435, or 18002333435 or the nearest offices which are open 24 hours a day, MSEDCL has appealed.